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Marketing 2.0: Why Companies Are So Desperate and Adamant to Hear from You These Days

Ever see companies continuously ask you for feedback?

All mobile applications these days ask to at least be rated, while some request a review as well. The requests for rating and reviewing became so much that people started complaining about the requests and the companies had to give them the option of never seeing such notifications again.

This shows the marketing priorities of companies nowadays. They are inherently focused on what the clients want and hence ask for feedback. It’s not just products, many companies ask for feedback and reviews of their updates as well. Each company in the tech sector is continuously striving to build apps and create services that hold greater appeal for the consumers. Client feedback is hence the best way for them to make their products more suited for the consumers. Constant feedback about what the customers do not like and what they want more gives companies these days an idea of what they need to do for their products to succeed. It is essentially a means of marketing. Client feedback can aptly be called marketing 2.0 in the current tech environment.

With Crowdville, feedback is both from the experiential side and the technical side. Companies are eager to understand how to make their products, apps and services better in order to suit its users’ needs.

Why Feedback is so necessary

The current economic environment is highly competitive, especially when it comes to the tech sector. With almost everyone owning a smartphone or a tablet these days, and the market for those having no limitations as yet, software companies are in a constant race to develop applications and services for the existing market. These companies are always looking for the next new hit, with previous successes showcasing how a simple and cheap app’s success can be highly profitable. Companies ranging from the very small to the very large are thus in the race to produce more and more, with the hope that some of the products can become popular among the masses. This has made the current tech sector a very competitive place.

With so many options available for people, the chance to find a product that suits their needs perfectly is easy. However, it is harder for a company to develop a product that can be useful to a large number of people because of how varied the consumer base is. With people all over the world being the target market, you can never develop an app or service based on your knowledge of the residents of a single region. Instead, you need to look out for the entire world if you wish to be successful. This is what makes client feedback necessary.

Asking people all over the world what they need is a way of finding out what kind of application would be successful amongst people all over the world. It is essentially reverse marketing. Instead of telling the people what they need, you ask them what they need, and build a product based according to that information. This method is effective since it allows for a more personal approach towards clients, allowing for a greater chance at success.


Posted in Articles on June 05 at 11:31 AM

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