Crowdville UK

Crowd Game - Video Rules


Video Rules

The creation of a video for Crowdville means the creation of original content agreed directly with the Community Managers (CM). Each week a list of content will be posted on a special group. Proposals and ideas will be discussed in the same group. Once the CM's approval has been received, the video can be produced. Once completed, it will be sent for a final review and published by the CMs on a YouTube or Vimeo channel created specifically for the competition.  The topics to be covered will be indicated on a special Otium group on a regular basis, but the CMs will also accept free proposals.

Always inform the Community Manager in Crowd Video group of your intent to make a video. Once you are given the greenlight, go ahead and create your video and when complete, again inform the Community Managers in the Crowd Video group, where you will be then instructed on how to share the video.



Topics will, as mentioned, be communicated by the CMs and will cover:

- Videos about technology and the digital world, including product reviews

- Films and TV series

- Guides for Crowdville and Crowder

- Topics related to the discussion groups on Otium


Please note we will not accept videos that mention Crowdville customers or show campaign activity. This is to prevent information covered by the confidentiality agreement (signed by each Crowder on registration) from being published externally.


Original content

Each video must be original and recorded or created specifically for Crowdville. The use of copyrighted music is not permitted.


Product reviews

Reviews of a product or service are permitted as long as they do not lead to a purchase or blatant advertising. The description of the proposed product or service must be objective and contain both pros and cons. The best way to avoid producing an advertising video is to compare several products or services, leaving the reader with a personal assessment.



Crowdville staff reserve the right to reject videos that, although personal, make defamatory, harassing, persecutory or threatening statements about others, and/or which may be offensive to the community.


Please note that by submitting a video to Crowdville for the competition you waive all rights to it. The use of such content within other portals, in identical and unchanged form, constitutes a violation of the rules.

Posted in Crowd Game on March 01 at 03:44 PM

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