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Getting work with Crowdville is like Investing in the Asset Market; Your Money only goes up!


The End User

You may be very well aware of the term the ‘end user’, it’s nothing complicated, you reading this right now, yes you, you are the end user, and me writing this as of late, makes me a specific type of end user. But how credible is my statement? Am I talking any sense? I mean, how can the originator of this post be the writer and the end user? Sounds like the writer may have caught the narcissistic bug if you ask me. 

In an environment of fake news and lies peddled by political pundits, fact checking is a big deal. Fact checking is a term that testers are very well rehearsed in, that’s vigorous amounts of testing, validating and authenticating executed in a professional environment.



The Crowder Assures Quality

That in a nutshell is Crowdville. As a Crowder, no matter what your background, you are automatically approved and welcomed into a community of thousands of proud testers, whose key skill, is a good judgement.

Companies have products and apps that need to be thoroughly tested by you, the end user, to justify whether the product is ready for the end user on a massive scale. If the company skips this step, then they should be prepared for a lot complaints, complaints that are not just going to eventually go away. So, they need you to be the first to use their product.



The Asset Thesis

You get paid a lot just to use a company’s product before it goes out to market and with Crowdville it is taken to a whole new ball game. Crowdville have the Friend Incentive which works like an affiliate program. As a Crowder you can invite your people and create a team of testers, and when your team gets paid, you get paid an extra 5% percentage for the productivity of each individual tester. Let’s put it into perspective, with regular testing done every month, you can watch your account rise up, as every member of your team continuously works on testing and all you have to do is invest your time into just one testing campaign.



Likeminded in Profits

Sounds familiar right? When you have certainty that a particular commodity is only going to rise, you start investing even more. With Crowdville you only invest your time! There is no commitment so you can pull out anytime and take your profits. Or go long and create a team of likeminded people and raise the bar of professional testing.

Crowdville welcomes the competitive spirit and it is just that which makes Crowdville an asset. Imagine a city of likeminded testers, working to better the quality of the tech products we use in our everyday lives, the more tech companies that need your help, the bigger the team you have at your disposal, then the larger the stakes, and it’s a pretty damn well tasty steak.


Posted in Articles on October 08 at 06:52 PM

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